


Alex Kyriakidis

Founder of Vue School

Author of The Majesty of Vue.js

Vue.js Contributor

Enterprise Consultant

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Vue 3 Composition API

Workshop Structure

  1. What is CAPI
  2. Code Organization
  3. Reusing App Logic
  4. Replacing mixins
  5. <script setup>
  6. Lifecycle hooks
  7. Ref or reactive?
  8. Advanced Concepts

Workshop Highlights

Workshop Structure

👨‍🏫 Instruction

💬 Questions

👩‍💻 Hands-on Exercises

(5 - 15 mins)

(0 - 10 mins)

(15 - 30 mins)

📺 Solution

(5 - 10 mins)

Workshop Goal

Master Composition API

🎉 Have fun

With the experience and codes from the workshop you will be able to use the Composition API in your apps right away!

Buddy System


✅ 🛑 👨‍🏫👩‍🏫

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Vue 3 and the Composition API Intro [In Person]

By Alex Kyriakidis

Vue 3 and the Composition API Intro [In Person]

  • 1,032